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Free Accounting CPE

by | Sep 18, 2014 | Financial Accounting

As an accountant, you have a lot to juggle. Your job is full of complexity and intricacies, and one mistake can mean a ton of extra work and frustration for you, for your boss, or for your clients. On top of that, your state or your company may require that you take continuing professional education (CPE) courses, or you might just want to take certain CPE courses of your own volition, to keep pace with the ever-changing laws, rules and regulations. With your many financial obligations, you don’t have a ton of cash to be throwing around, so if you’re going to take CPE courses, they have to fit into your budget. Budgeting, even for an accountant, can be a chore in and of itself, but you know what’s not difficult to budget? Something you can get for free.

Free Accounting CPE

We at CPE Think are willing to offer some of our CPE accounting courses for free, because we care about our customers, and we want them to be successful in their accounting careers. When you sign up for a free accounting CPE course at CPEThink.com, you’ll be signing up for a quality, easy-to-use course that you can study at your own pace, and when you finish with a passing score, you’ll be given real credits in real courses that you can use to advance your accounting career. Our free courses come with no obligations on your part. Just sign up, take the course, and earn your credit — completely free!

CPE Think – We’re Just Like You

You’re an accounting professional, and we’re professionals, too. We come from a variety of professional backgrounds, so the accountants and CPAs among us understand your accounting CPE needs. Our accounting course modules (both paid and free), are designed by top leaders in their field, ensuring the best possible educational experience. Each of our courses are updated regularly, to properly reflect any changes and keep our information as relevant as possible.

When you sign up for a free accounting CPE course, you’ll be given one year from your sign-up date to study the materials and finish the exam, giving you the flexibility to study at your own pace. Course credits remain active in our system for five years afterward, so you’ll be able to provide proof of course credit and keep track of your certifications.

To learn more, call us at (888) 273-0273 today!

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