Understanding SR-22 Insurance in Chicago

by | Mar 20, 2018 | Uncategorized

If you have ever been told you are a high-risk driver who needs SR-22 insurance, you may feel unsettled as to how you should move forward with your car insurance needs. Although high-risk drivers do pose some issues when it comes to car insurance, you can still get the coverage you need so you can drive on the road safely.

What Is SR-22 Insurance?

SR-22 insurance is for those who are considered high-risk drivers. Because these drivers are tagged as high risk, SR-22 insurance rates in Chicago are higher than typical car insurance rates. This particular type of insurance isn’t really insurance. It is a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (CFR) that is attached to a car insurance policy that lets a state know a driver does in fact have car insurance.

This type for coverage is usually state-mandated for high-risk drivers who may have had problems maintaining traditional car insurance coverage in the past.

High-Risk and SR-22 Insurance

There are several circumstances that would make a driver a high-risk candidate for SR-22 insurance. If you have ever had issues with DWIs or DUIs, been in an accident while driving uninsured, had your license revoked or suspended or received a substantial number of tickets, your may need SR-22 insurance.

SR-22 insurance rates in Chicago vary. However, you can expect to pay more for car insurance coverage than the average driver because of the high-risk label. If you are mandated to carry SR-22 insurance, your state will require you hold this certification for at least three years. Any lapse in auto insurance coverage must be reported by the insurance company to the applicable motor vehicle agency.

Getting the Best Rates

Getting competitive pricing for SR-22 insurance rates in Chicago requires research. While rates will vary between companies, as a high-risk driver, it is realistic to expect higher insurance costs. Take the time to find the auto insurance company that offers competitive rates specifically for drivers who are considered high risk. To know more about SR-22 Insurance in Chicago visit website.

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